To dial a "non-free" number you're required to authenticate yourself via User ID relative Password. This allows the administrator to decide who can use the phone line to make calls. It's also possible to decide what kind of numbers each single user can dial. The "Free" numbers can be dialed without authentication.
Detailed outgoing calls report (Log)
For each outgoing call a record will be stored, containing:
who made it (which user);
the date and time the call has been made;
the dialed number.
Highly customizable filter for numbers that can be dialed
The rules that decide what kinds of numbers can be dialed are highly customizable, allowing to limit them to numbers beginning with a specific prefix, to a specific phone number.
Multiuser: a filter for each user
The lists of numbers that can be dialed are specific for each user, allowing you to give each user different privileges. This allows you to decide who can dial what, allowing only some users to reach some (kind of) numbers.
User authentication via phone keyboard
The user is identified indipendentemently by the phone (s)he's calling from. The user will dial directly on the keybord of the phone his own User ID and access code (password).
User security: access codes are customizable directly by the phone
Each user will be able to modify his own password directly by each phone connected to the TelLog. To do so he obviously needs to know the current password (for security reasons) and follow an easy procedure. User "0" (Admimistrator) can modify the passwords for other users and enable or disable them, using his own password.
Blocck of kind of numbers the provider can't block
Thanks to the fexibility of the rules it'll be possible to block (also selectively) also calls to numbers the phone line provider can't block, like modified rate calls or the dangerous subscription numbers.
Dialer viruses block
The so called Dialers are dangerous computer viruses that acts redirecting calls to expensive numbers (usually satellitar ones). Since the Dialers use numbers that will not be allowed by the rules, the TelLog will immediately interrupt their dialing before the whole number will be dialed, also avoiding the first cost.
Autonomous operation
The TelLog doesn't need to remain connected to a computer to perform its duties. The PC is only needed to configure the TelLog and to extract the outgoing calls log.
Adjuntive list of numbers that can be dialed without authentication
An adjuntive list of "dialable numbers" (aka "filter") contains the kind of numbers that can be dialed without the user authentication procedure (so without typing User ID and password). This is very useful if your subscriptionallows you to dial some kind of numbers for free, or if you consider negligible the cost to some kind of numbers.
This list will always contain a customizable emergency number (112 in Europe, 911 in US or one of your choice).
Eexportable and re-workable LOG
The outgoing calls log can be easily imported in a spreadsheet (Like Excel or Calc) for a comparison of the costs with the official bill from the provider or to elaborate some user statistics. Taking advantage of the potentiality of a spreadsheet, it will be extremely easy to elaborate statistics and graphs, analize the use each uses makes of the line, for a fair cost computation, a misuse analysis or to chose the best contract for your needs.
Easy to configure
The easy-to-use configuration software allows you to set all the lists of the rules and to import the log of the outgoing calls in an easy and intuitive way. You'll be allowed to save various configurations, in different files, to use in various needs, acquire the data and/or configure the TelLog. The software is multilanguage.